

The entire project is open sourced and split up amongst a number of modules which are hosted on GitHub. There are many areas of the project that need work:

  • We need everyone to start making themes
  • People who can offer advice on the standard
  • The standard should be able to export to any format under the sun

All the code for the project can be found here:

The Team

There are many contributors to JSON Resume, but these are our regular members who keep the show running:

Core Team

Avatar of Mattias Erming.
Mattias Erming
Avatar of Roland Sharp.
Roland Sharp
Avatar of Thomas Davis.
Thomas Davis
Avatar of Mike Chelen.
Mike Chelen
Avatar of Mudassir Ali.
Mudassir Ali
Avatar of Peter Dave Hello.
Peter Dave Hello
Avatar of Seth Falco.
Seth Falco

Standards Committee

Avatar of Daan Debie.
Daan Debie
Avatar of Ursula Kallio.
Ursula Kallio
Avatar of Walter Doekes.
Walter Doekes


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Origins and Conceptualization
JSON Resume was conceived as a solution to the fragmented and inconsistent landscape of resume formats. Traditional resumes, typically created in formats like Microsoft Word or PDF, often suffer from compatibility issues when parsed by different systems. Recognizing this problem, Thomas Davis and Roland Sharp initiated JSON Resume as an open-source project to create a universal, machine-readable format for resumes.

Development Milestones
The project began gaining momentum in the early 2010s, with significant milestones such as the creation of the JSON Resume schema, the development of the first CLI tools, and the establishment of the JSON Resume registry. These milestones were driven by community contributions and the growing recognition of the need for a standardized resume format in the tech industry.

Community Involvement
Community involvement has been a cornerstone of JSON Resume’s development. From its inception, the project has relied on contributions from developers around the world. These contributions have included code, documentation, translations, and the creation of themes. The collaborative nature of the project has ensured its continuous improvement and adaptation to the evolving needs of job seekers and employers.


Standardization and Interoperability
The primary purpose of JSON Resume is to standardize the format of resumes to ensure they are easily readable and interoperable across various platforms. By using JSON, a widely accepted data format, JSON Resume makes it possible for resumes to be parsed and displayed consistently by different systems.

Flexibility and Customization
Another key purpose is to provide flexibility and customization. Unlike traditional resume formats that can be rigid and difficult to adapt, JSON Resume allows users to easily customize their resume’s appearance using themes. This flexibility is crucial in a diverse job market where different industries and roles may require different presentation styles.

Simplifying Resume Management
JSON Resume simplifies the management of resumes. By storing resume data in a structured format, it becomes easy to update, modify, and transform resumes as needed. This is particularly beneficial for developers and technical professionals who may need to frequently update their resumes with new skills and experiences.

Getting Started

Creating a JSON Resume
Getting started with JSON Resume involves creating a resume file in JSON format. This file includes various sections such as personal details, work experience, education, skills, and projects. Users can manually create this file using any text editor or use one of the many available tools and editors specifically designed for JSON Resume.

Using the CLI
The JSON Resume CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool that helps users create, validate, and manage their JSON resumes. It provides commands to initialize a new resume, validate the resume against the JSON Resume schema, and export the resume to different formats. The CLI is available on npm and can be installed using a simple npm command.

Online Editors
There are several online editors available for JSON Resume, such as and These editors provide a user-friendly interface for creating and editing JSON resumes without requiring knowledge of JSON syntax. They also offer features like live previews and theme selection to help users customize their resumes.


Ways to Contribute
Contributing to JSON Resume can take many forms. Developers can contribute code to the core project, create new themes, or develop tools and libraries that integrate with JSON Resume. Non-developers can help by improving documentation, translating content into different languages, or promoting the project on social media and in professional communities.

Submitting Pull Requests
Contributors can submit pull requests on GitHub to propose changes to the project. Each pull request is reviewed by the project maintainers, who provide feedback and suggestions. This collaborative review process ensures that contributions meet the project's standards and are aligned with its goals.

Community Forums and Discussions
The JSON Resume community is active on various platforms, including GitHub Discussions, Reddit, and Stack Overflow. These forums provide a space for users to ask questions, share ideas, and collaborate on new features and improvements. Engaging with the community is a great way to learn more about the project and contribute to its development.


Overview of Themes
Themes are a key feature of JSON Resume that allow users to change the appearance of their resume without modifying the underlying data. A theme is essentially a template that defines how the resume data is displayed. Themes can be simple or complex, depending on the design and formatting requirements.

Pre-built Themes
The JSON Resume project includes several pre-built themes that users can apply to their resumes. These themes cover a range of styles, from minimalist designs to more elaborate layouts. Users can browse and preview these themes on the JSON Resume website or through the CLI.

Creating Custom Themes
For those with specific design preferences, creating a custom theme is an option. Custom themes are created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The JSON Resume documentation provides guidelines and examples to help users develop their own themes. Custom themes can be shared with the community by submitting them to the JSON Resume registry.

Theme Marketplace
There is potential for a theme marketplace where designers can create and sell premium themes for JSON Resume. This marketplace would provide additional revenue opportunities for designers and offer users a wider selection of high-quality themes.

The Registry

Function and Benefits
The JSON Resume registry serves as a central repository for publishing and sharing resumes. By submitting a resume to the registry, users can generate a unique URL for their resume, making it easy to share with potential employers. The registry ensures that resumes are always up-to-date and accessible.

Security and Privacy
Security and privacy are important considerations for the registry. Users have control over the visibility of their resumes and can choose to make them public or private. The registry also implements security measures to protect users’ data and prevent unauthorized access.

Integration with Job Boards
Integrating the registry with job boards and applicant tracking systems (ATS) could further streamline the job application process. This integration would allow job seekers to submit their resumes directly from the registry, ensuring that employers receive the most up-to-date version of their resume.

Agnostic Nature

Platform Independence
JSON Resume’s platform-agnostic design means that it can be used across different operating systems, devices, and applications. This independence ensures that resumes created in JSON format are not tied to any specific software or platform, promoting widespread adoption and compatibility.

Interoperability with Other Formats
While JSON is the primary format used by JSON Resume, the project supports interoperability with other formats. Tools and libraries are available to convert JSON resumes to formats such as PDF, HTML, and Markdown. This interoperability ensures that resumes can be easily shared and viewed by anyone, regardless of the tools they use.

API and Integration Capabilities
JSON Resume can be integrated with various applications and services through APIs. For example, developers can build integrations that automatically update a user’s resume with new information from LinkedIn or GitHub. These integrations enhance the functionality of JSON Resume and provide a seamless experience for users.

Future Developments

Multimedia Integration
Future developments for JSON Resume could include enhanced support for multimedia elements. This could involve the ability to embed images, videos, and audio clips within the resume, providing a richer and more dynamic representation of a candidate’s skills and experiences.

Advanced Analytics
Advanced analytics features could provide insights into how resumes are being viewed and used. This could include metrics on the number of views, time spent on different sections, and feedback from employers. These analytics could help job seekers optimize their resumes for better visibility and impact.

Machine Learning and AI
The integration of machine learning and AI could offer personalized recommendations for improving resumes. For example, an AI-powered tool could analyze a resume and suggest changes to enhance its readability or tailor it to specific job descriptions. Such features would make JSON Resume even more valuable for job seekers.

Collaboration Features
Collaboration features could allow multiple users to work on a resume simultaneously. This would be particularly useful for teams or individuals seeking feedback from mentors, colleagues, or career advisors. Real-time collaboration tools could streamline the resume creation and review process.

Marketing and Branding

Building Awareness
Effective marketing and branding are crucial for the widespread adoption of JSON Resume. Building awareness involves showcasing the benefits of JSON Resume through tutorials, webinars, and success stories. Collaborating with educational institutions and career services can also help reach a wider audience.

Community Engagement
Engaging with the community through social media, forums, and events is essential for fostering a vibrant and active user base. Regular updates, feature releases, and community challenges can keep users engaged and invested in the project.

Partnerships and Collaborations
Forming partnerships with job boards, career services, and professional organizations can enhance the visibility and credibility of JSON Resume. Collaborations with these entities can provide additional resources and opportunities for users.

Competitors and Comparison

Traditional Formats (Word, PDF)
Traditional resume formats like Microsoft Word and PDF are widely used but come with several limitations. They often suffer from compatibility issues and lack flexibility in customization. JSON Resume offers a standardized, machine-readable format that addresses these shortcomings.

Proprietary Resume Builders
There are several proprietary resume-building tools available, such as Canva and Zety. While these tools offer user-friendly interfaces and templates, they often lack the flexibility and customization options of JSON Resume. Additionally, JSON Resume’s open-source nature means there are no subscription fees or lock-in, making it a more accessible option for many users.

LinkedIn Profiles
LinkedIn profiles are another popular alternative to traditional resumes. While LinkedIn offers a powerful platform for networking and job searching, it does not provide the same level of customization and flexibility as JSON Resume. JSON Resume allows users to create personalized resumes tailored to specific job applications, whereas LinkedIn profiles are more standardized.

Side Projects and Integrations

Resumake is an online editor that simplifies the process of creating a JSON resume. It provides a user-friendly interface and various themes, allowing users to generate resumes without manually writing JSON code. This tool is particularly useful for those who prefer a visual approach to resume creation.

Reactive Resume

Reactive Resume is another popular project that builds on the JSON Resume format. It offers a highly interactive and customizable interface for creating and managing resumes. The project focuses on providing a responsive design and advanced customization options, making it a valuable tool for job seekers.

Resume CLI
Resume CLI is a command-line tool that extends the functionality of JSON Resume. It allows users to create, validate, and manage their resumes directly from the terminal. This tool is especially useful for developers who prefer working in a command-line environment.

Resume Website Generator
The Resume Website Generator is a project that enables users to create a personal website based on their JSON resume. This tool converts the JSON resume into a fully functional website, providing an additional platform for showcasing a candidate’s skills and experiences.

Advantages of JSON Resume

Consistency and Standardization
JSON Resume provides a consistent and standardized format that ensures resumes are easily readable and interoperable across different platforms and systems. This standardization eliminates the compatibility issues often encountered with traditional resume formats.

Flexibility and Customization
The ability to customize resumes using themes is a significant advantage of JSON Resume. Users can easily change the appearance of their resume to suit different industries, roles, or personal preferences without altering the underlying data.

Open-Source and Community-Driven
JSON Resume is an open-source project, meaning it is free to use and continuously improved by a global community of contributors. This community-driven approach ensures that the project evolves to meet the needs of its users and remains at the forefront of resume management technology.

Integration and Interoperability
JSON Resume’s platform-agnostic design and support for various formats and integrations make it a versatile tool. Users can convert their resumes to different formats, integrate with job boards and ATS, and use APIs to enhance functionality.


JSON Resume represents a significant advancement in the way resumes are created, managed, and shared. Its standardized, machine-readable format, combined with the flexibility of themes and the power of community contributions, makes it a valuable resource for job seekers and developers. With ongoing developments and the potential for broader applications, JSON Resume is poised to play a pivotal role in the future of resume management. Its unique advantages over traditional resume formats and proprietary tools highlight its importance in an increasingly digital and interconnected world. As the project continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly unlock new opportunities and benefits for users around the globe.